汉娜白 ’24 first developed an interest in healthcare while working at a nursing facility at age 14. “我喜欢有机会与我的病人进行一对一的交流,怀特回忆道, who is set to graduate from 主要研究’s 卫生学院 and 人类服务 (CHHS) with a bachelor’s degree in nursing this spring.
毕业后, White will have the opportunity to do just that — and much more — as a nurse at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital (WDH) in her hometown of Dover, 新汉普郡. 她得到了内科外科的一个职位, 她将在哪里从事肿瘤学工作, 骨科和舒适护理患者, 今年夏天,他以弗林研究员的身份在WDH完成了实习.
弗雷德·弗林为了纪念他的妻子而创立的, 2013年谁死于卵巢癌, the Flynn Fellowship is a highly competitive program that places nursing students in paid internships at leading cancer hospitals. 通过增加护生接触肿瘤学领域, Flynn aims to elevate the quality of care for oncology patients and their families as the fellows enter the workforce.
今年有500多名学生竞争48个奖学金, each and every Flynn Fellow is among the best and brightest — and White is no exception. “Hannah is a perfect example; she excelled in her internship at Wentworth-Douglass, demonstrating expertise and a clinical grasp of what it means to create a culture of caring,弗林说。.
而怀特的学习成绩很好, empathy and passion for oncology that the selection committee looks for in all fellowship awardees, 她在实习期间超出了预期. “汉娜的弗林奖学金项目非常棒,凯利·格雷迪回忆道。, 护理教育主任, 温特沃斯-道格拉斯医院的研究和创新. 她的项目, 题为“放射肿瘤学的关怀文化”,探讨了病人护理的文化背景, something that’s “simply not an element commonly considered by nursing students,格雷迪说。. “Hannah’s foresight and deep thinking show her maturity in undertaking such an incredible project,她补充道.
考虑到怀特令人印象深刻的技能, it’s no surprise that she was offered the chance to be part of the nursing team at WDH upon completion of her internship. “She has a great ability to connect with others- patients and co-workers,朗达·博德说, CHHS临时护理主任. “除此之外, the importance of that deep orientation towards caring for others cannot be overstated,Board说。.
Perhaps that’s because White has been on the receiving end of excellent nursing care. “I remember a nurse holding my hand through a procedure when I was a child. 这种善意的举动虽然很小,但却很有力量,”怀特说. 作为WDH的护士, she looks forward to delivering superior care along with the compassion that meant so much to her as a patient.